Location: Zambia

This poultry farming design aims to optimize the use of space and resources for the efficient and effective raising of 20,000 layers and chicks in poultry farming cages. The farm consists of 5 chicken houses, with 2 designated for chicks and 3 for layers. Each chicken house measures 30 meters by 10 meters.

Chicken House In Zambia

Chicken House Allocation

Layer Houses:

    • Number of Houses: 3
    • Total Capacity: 12,480 layers
    • Number of Cages per House: 26 sets of A-type layer cages
    • Total Number of Cages: 78 sets
    • Layer Cage Specifications:
      • Dimensions: 1950 mm x 450 mm x 410 mm
      • Configuration: 4 tiers, 5 doors per tier
      • Capacity per Cage: 160 layers

    Chick Houses:

      • Number of Houses: 2
      • Total Capacity: 10,400 chicks
      • Number of Cages per House: 26 sets of A-type chick cages
      • Total Number of Cages: 52 sets
      • Chick Cage Specifications:
        • Dimensions: 1950 mm x 500 mm x 350 mm
        • Configuration: 4 tiers, 3 doors per tier
        • Capacity per Cage: 200 chicks

      Detailed Layer House Design

      • House Size: 30m x 10m
      • Total Layers per House: 4,160 layers
      • Cage Setup:
      • 26 sets of A-type layer cages per house
      • Each cage can house 160 layers
      • Total: 4,160 layers per house

      Detailed Chick House Design

      • House Size: 30m x 10m
      • Total Chicks per House: 5,200 chicks
      • Cage Setup:
      • 26 sets of A-type chick cages per house
      • Each cage can house 200 chicks
      • Total: 5,200 chicks per house

      Benefits of the Chicken House Design

      Efficient Space Utilization:

        The cage design maximizes the number of birds per square meter, ensuring efficient use of space in each chicken house.

        Ease of Management:

          The tiered cage system allows for easier access to the birds, facilitating feeding, cleaning, and monitoring.

          Improved Health and Productivity:

            The design promotes good ventilation and reduces the risk of disease, contributing to higher productivity and better health for both layers and chicks.


              The modular nature of the cage systems allows for easy expansion or reconfiguration to adapt to changing production needs.


              This poultry farming design provides a comprehensive solution for raising 20,000 layers and chicks in poultry farming cages in Zambia. By utilizing A-type cages for both layers and chicks, the farm achieves optimal space utilization, ease of management, and improved bird health and productivity. This solution not only meets the current needs of the farm but also allows for future scalability.

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